Our services

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services will help your business thrive.

By enrolling in our Consult Package, you will gain quick access to monthly tips and tricks that you can employ to gain immediate traction.

We will provide you with tailored guidance based on your growth goals. Your team stays in control of all posting activities.

Each month, we will meet with your marketing team for 1.5 hours to discuss your current state and develop your path to success.

person using laptop
person using laptop

Consult Package

In addition to all the benefits of the Consult Package, the Collab package is where Violet Waters Co. truly becomes an extension of your team.

Through collaborative efforts, we create a strategy to determine advertising and social media needs for each month week-by-week.

We will meet with you twice monthly to determine posts over the next 2 weeks, or once a month to determine what to post over the next 4 weeks.

Collab Package

The Control Package allows you to focus on what you do best: Run the Business.

And VWC will do what we do best: devise and execute winning social media strategies that turn clicks into customers.

Our team will meet with your team monthly to determine the best posting strategy to employ over the next 4 weeks. Additionally, we will provide reporting that allows you to see the tangible benefits of our services.

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white and pink digital device

Control Package